» Dulce Maria Cardoso
New Textualities
António Carlos Cortez
the santa luzia belvedere. it was the time of perfect
clad in lights like a boat that was turning into a bird
                                                            a snake.
i don’t know how to return to that near poisonous taste, now that
we are foreign strangers in the city emptied of the sea and the
what is the point of this poem if nothing from the boats lingers on the
you will know how sword-like can be the verses launched on the
avenues of memory. you will know of gardens where mystery
is a statue of inaccessible secrets          liquid as
of silence and crystal you will know of the body aged
like leaves rustling in the words dangerous as stars
you don’t know what it’s like to return here: scene of the crime
you don’t know
                                                            what it’s like to return here:
to return here: scene of blood you don’t know what it’s like to
return here
to the hills where the sun spreads and cools
to return here like a boat on the river without any sails other
than the plan of the voyages engulfed by the need to return here
with the need to strangle through poems the city that
                                                            surrounds me.

from Um Barco no Rio [A Boat on the River]
b. 1976 Portugal
© Instituto Camões, 2007