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History of Portuguese Literature Origins of Portuguese Literature The Portuguese Language Oral Literature Fiction Lyricism
Travel Literature Cantigas de amigo Historiography Doctrinal Prose


António Nobre


Caught between various currents: ultra-romanticism, symbolism, decadentism and saudosismo (a movement which was interested in the resurgence of national values), he was the author of , 1892. This was a series of poems expressing great lamentation and nostalgia, and exhibiting a subjectivism that was tormented by the conflicts affecting the generation of the fin-de-siècle period, although his writing was nonetheless tempered by a certain sense of self-irony. It was this latter condition that helped to shape certain formal contributions marking a break from poetic genres, particularly in the use of colloquial discourse and in the strophic and rhythmical diversification of the poems.

View of the River Mondego 
and the city of Coimbra

Manuel, you’re right. I’m late. I’m sorry.
But it wasn’t Anto, it wasn’t me that was to blame,
It was Coimbra. It was this sad, sad landscape,
Whose influence my soul cannot resist. (...)
Go on! Tell the poplars of the Mondego valley to be quiet
And ask the wind not to moan and groan so much: (...)
The wind makes me hysterical, it absorbs all my soul,
The Wind drowns my spirit in a sea that is
Green, blue, white, black, whose billows
Are all made of moonlight, memories.

                                               «Carta a Manuel»



© Instituto Camões, 2001