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Baroque and Mannerism
These were aesthetic tendencies in the sixteenth, seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries that, beginning with the visual arts, accompanied the
classicist movement in the form of dialogue, confrontation or even mutual
insertion. The most significant representatives of these tendencies were Camões
in lyrical poetry, Padre António
Vieira (Sermons and Letters) and D.
Francisco Manuel de Melo (in both lyrical poetry and the theatre, Auto
do Fidalgo Aprendiz).
Whilst mannerism revealed itself in the form of a connection with
classical literary models that both refined and improved their characteristics,
stressing the details of composition and its static character, and expressing a
certain melancholic tendency, the baroque was defined by the spectacular
exhibition of semantic and syntactic conflicts and contrasts, which were centred
around a reflection on time and change.
There are two anthologies that contain a remarkable collection of baroque
texts: Fénix Renascida and Postilhão
de Apolo.
D. Francisco Manuel de Melo,
Auto do Fidalgo Aprendiz,
Workshop of Domingos Carneiro, 1676
© Instituto Camões, 2001